Executive DirectorMaria Wise is a native of Western North Carolina and a graduate of North Carolina State University with a B.S. in Biological Science. She has a Master’s degree in Sustainability Studies from Lenoir Rhyne University. Maria worked in biotech in Chicago and in water quality protection in Florida where she also worked to protect manatees and mangrove habitats.
In recent years Maria helped protect farmland in Buncombe County with the Soil and Water Conservation District. There were over 1000 acres of farm and forest land protected with conservation easements under Maria’s guidance. She is passionate about working with farmers and landowners to enhance their properties while also protecting streams and rivers from erosion and runoff. In her spare time, she likes hiking and camping with her family and enjoying the local food scene of Western North Carolina. |
Outreach and Education associateJuliana grew up in Annapolis, Maryland, where she loved exploring the Chesapeake Bay watershed. She recently received her Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies and Sustainability from Elon University. She was a student farm manager on her university’s vegetable farm, which fueled her passion to pursue a career related to sustainable agriculture and conservation.
Juliana has worked on a small dairy farm, with an educational non-profit that connects urban school-aged children to green spaces and farming knowledge, and a refugee farming collective which works to minimize its impact on the land. Juliana is now excited to connect her farming experience with water conservation work to help protect the Mills River Watershed. |
Mills River Partnership Board of Directors
Jimmy Cowan | Vice ChairFarm Bureau Federation of Henderson County
Kieran Roe | Past-chairConserving Carolina Executive Director
jack Igelman |MemberCity of Asheville
adam wallace | MemberMember at Large
Mark Williams | MemberHenderson County Agricultural Advisory Board
Erica shanks | MemberMountainTrue
Greg Hoyt | MemberHenderson County Soil and Water Conservation District
Amy schmitte | MemberHenderson County
Wayne Carland | MemberTown of Mills River
James Cantrell | TreasurerTown of Mills River Agriculture Committee
Jay Hawthorne | MemberTrout Unlimited
Bert Lemkes | Board ChairMember at large
Gina Baxter | MemberCity of Hendersonville
Jeff Chandler | SecretaryMember at large